Monday, September 30, 2024

Religious and Emotional Gaslighting and the Disrupting of Jordan's Peace

(Jordan's skydiving video link)

After spending an amazing couple of weeks on a self-healing cruise, Jordan returned home to a bombarding of emotional abuse that is unreal, and it is stealing away the beauty of his healing journey and the strength he gained from it.

If there is one thing I despise, it is fake friends who gaslight and attempt to exercise control. I have no use for people who spend their time emotionally hurting and abusing someone while claiming to care about their wellbeing, and God will not excuse such actions either. There are many of these types of people in this world, which fills me with sorrow at times.

It hurts to see Jordan being hurt and picked apart by the very people he thought he could trust. These actions are not the stuff of Christlike love and friendship. You don't exert efforts to destroy someone who is trying to heal mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. And you definitely DON"T continually strive to take away a person's independence and their ability to think for themselves, supposedly doing it all in GOD'S name. I'm sure it angers Him to see this, though Jordan is not the only person living with this kind of treatment from day to day.

To those of you in Jordan's circle who are subjecting him to this emotional abuse, STOP! Please just STOP! To those who are truly there for him and honestly doing what you can to help him, I say THANK YOU! God in heaven has the perfect view of each and every one of us, inside and out. He sees inside every heart and knows our thoughts and our ways.

This is something we all need to remember.

Jordan, always remember, you are loved by the Father and His Son! In Them is where you place your trust. Man will always be fallible, but God will always be just!

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. ~Matthew 22: 37, 39

Jordan is more than my neighbor.

He is our family.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wonderful visit!!!

 As Jordan begins this new phase of his life, we wanted to be there to help. Me and my daughter, Seante' drove up from Utah for a few days and stayed with him. He's always an amazing host, and I was beyond excited to see him. After we helped him get some things in his new apartment organized, we spent the rest of the time having a fun adventure.

From perusing little shops in Seaside to visiting Canon Beach and seeing the sights, to a little hike at Multnomah Falls, every moment was pure joy and very memorable.

Now, for a keeping-it-real moment . . .

With Jordan being surrounded by wolves disguised as friends, his days have been full of stress, and he really needed this time to unwind and prepare for more upcoming adventures.

Our prayers for Jordan have never ceased, and God has been watching over Him. I continuously remind Jordan that God sees every act perpetrated upon him as well as others who fall victim to the vultures that circle daily. And God sees it all, and justice will one day come. Those who place other gods over Him and worship the evils of this world will one day answer for every single deed.

We enjoyed our time reconnecting and remembering the things that are truly important in this life, and in the process, Jordan remembered how strong he really is. Now my prayer is that he can hold on to that strength.

To those who of you who truly love and care for Jordan and do what you can to support him instead of pulling him down like others do and draining him with their darkness, I thank you, and I pray that you will allow the ONE TRUE GOD to use you to continue to bring good into his life.

Again, thank you to everyone who has helped him in this new phase of his life. He needs all the support he can get, and I'm so grateful for you!