Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Update on Jordan


I felt impressed to highlight this encouraging comment from Jordan's special friend:-)

This flyer describes the Christmas Dinner at the Park where Jordan found a warm dinner to celebrate Christmas for himself and his disabled neighbor. For the past ten years Jordan has handed out hot baked potatoes to his homeless neighbors in the morning before church each Sunday. That was until his concussion on 9-11-19. This Christmas, instead, Jordan was served Christmas dinner by the homeless community. Jordan is resilient with his love for Jesus, who had no place offered to him when he needed it. Jordan is a person who realizes the value of being able to live and not be judged like so many of the people who have nobody, and nowhere to call home. Jordan’s concussion has changed his life forever, but he continues to want to share his life and hope, and to find ways to help children who have suffered abuse and abandonment.

I’ve just finished reading the first children’s book that Jordan wrote: “Pieces of Cakes.” It is an animated and engaging format to present the idea that we each are different from one another, but can work together to make a new and interesting whole. I’m looking forward to reading the next two of his children’s books (“We’re Going to Make It, After All!”, and “New York City on New Years Eve”. Since his concussion Jordan has not been able to read or write, so I’m reading each of his books with gratitude for the opportunity to learn more about my friend.

I am so grateful to Jewel Adams for helping Jordan develop as an author, so he has had the opportunity to extend positivity and hope to children and their families. I look forward to reading his other two children’s books, and will let you know my experience with them. Seeing someone act with so much kindness makes me even more aware of how essential kindness is for each of us to give and to receive. Thanks for all you do, Jewel.

Ruth, Jordan’s visiting angel