are all writing the story of our life. We want to know what it’s about.
What are its themes and which theme is on the rise? People demand of it
something deeper, or richer, even more substantive. People want to know where
this book is taking them and where they are headed.
Not to spoil our heart-embracing
ending, but I want to ensure that when the ending comes, it won’t be shallow. I
will have done something life-transforming for others through this book. Honestly,
I mean particularly, in this book, Embraced, I will not have squandered
everyone’s time. This book is about that life-transformation we all want for
ourselves. I began this book because I hit that point in my life. I became
intrigued by people who had unearthed their true calling …or those who were at least
willing to try.
I’m not an expert of
any sort. I have not one credential and nothing to speak about in the academic
department, just what you all read about from the book produced by author and
owner of Jewel of the West Publishing, Jewel Adams, Out of the Closet and Into the
Light, and the live video produced by the President of Northstar
International and Voices of Hope, Ty Mansfield. These are the only things I did
that ever can be considered helpful additions to the human world we share. I
did learn from working on this book, Embraced, that it is the hard times
that change the course of our lives. In this book I reveal these moments to
show my own fallibility. This book is far different from what I originally
envisioned. It reflects what I’ve found not what I predicted. This book does
not follow a conventional outline because as you all know, real life is not
conventional. Each experience can become embraced in our life.
this book is to unearth the psychological secrets that haunt us. It is not
organized by industry or personality type. It is not a travelogue. It is about
misconceptions and fears. When people heard this book’s title, the most common
question I got asked was, “So is your book about your life, or about careers?”
and I’d laugh and warn them not to get trapped by semantics. I answer, “It’s
about people who’ve dared to be honest with themselves." When reading it, I know
you will become embraced.
About Out of the Closet Into the Light
After living a life of abuse, abandonment and homosexuality, Jordan
Jantz made the ultimate choice. Leaving his old life behind, Jordan came
to know and understand God's love for him, as well as discover his own
part in the eternal plan. But this book isn't just about his Christian
conversion and lifestyle change, it is also about all the things he
suffered that helped to bring him to this point. It's about everything
he was, everything he is, and everything he is on his way to becoming.
Simply put, this is the story of his journey from the painful, cold
darkness into the light. A portion of the proceeds from Out of the
Closet Into the Light will be donated to The Christmas Box International
to support abused and neglected children.
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