Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Books are Great Gifts!

Available Now!
By Invitation -Your Place at the Feast
I spent many nights meditating, praying over our new book, By
Invitation. God has influenced my writings throughout this book. My heart has been full and transparent with my sister and fellow writer, Jewel Adams, and our hearts and minds have been so in sync. We have been awed and filled with praise as we've witnessed our Savior bringing our talents together for God's glory.

Many people spend all their time waiting for that second chance,
for a break that would make life okay.
There's always some reason to feel not good enough,
and it's hard at the end of the day.
For many need some distraction or a beautiful release . . .
Sarah McLaughlan, Angel lyrics (Embellished)

I prayed that those who read our book will find some peace tonight.  My spirit has become so tired of the unkindness in this world, and while writing this book, I found there are vultures and thieves at my back.  Some, unfortunately, are loved ones and family reacting harshly rather than responding with open minds and hearts to the truth of the words written by divine guidance within the few pages this book.  For some, it is easier to believe in the madness and sadness of this hurting world that brings many souls to their knees.

Individuals who have nourished and strengthened me over the past thirty years, and continue to walk the walk and not just talk the talk, have given me opportunities to participate in enriching projects.  I've internalized uplifting conversations and experiences that

celebrate the power of the human heart, and I have been privy to the hopes and dreams of others.  I can never thank the Lord enough for those learning and life-changing experiences.
This is what you will find in this book written by Jewel Adams and myself.  These are our personal thoughts about true, sacred intimacy with the Savior and walking hand-in-hand with Him. It's amazing to see what the Savior has done - and continues to do - when we trust in His love.  His love transformed us, and it can transform you too.  We pray that you will enjoy reading our book and hope it will inspire you to give your life to Christ today.

When you order this short but very important work, you can do this knowing that Jordan's percentage of the proceeds will go directly to The Road Home, a non-profit organization in Utah that serves homeless children and their families.

So many souls are lost in this mass of confusion.  Darkness is covering the earth and many souls are being led by the neck with the flaxen cords of Satan-some willingly, and some too weak to fight the battle anymore.  Jewel and I hold to the hope that you will find your spiritual lamps being lit while reading our book this holiday season.
This, my friends, is the purpose of the hours and days we both spent waiting for the Lord's inspiration and guidance, praying for the help of the spirit in knowing what to share.
May our humble thoughts help to lead your heart to the Lord.

A Note from Jewel:

I feel utterly blessed to have been able to share in this project with
Jordan. God truly blessed him with a heart of gold, and though many disagree with Jordan's choice to focus on helping the homeless, the Lord has strengthened him during his times of trial and this amazing man is holding fast to the Lord's plan for him, putting the Savior's will at the forefront and not caving to the will of man. After all, man is nothing without the Lord, and in the end, Jordan's adversaries will be judged by THE JUDGE and dealt with accordingly.
Like me, Jordan's allegiance lies firmly with God, and God will surely bless him for it.
Jordan  spent his Thanksgiving Day serving meals to homeless families, and he will be spending Christmas and New Year's serving as well. I am not at all surprised because that is the kind of man he is:-)
Again, 100% of Jordan's portion of the proceeds from By Invitation will be donated to help the homeless.

To learn more about The Road Home, visit their website.
The Road Home

Order By Invitation by Jewel Adams and Jordan Jantz on Amazon.
Kindle: Amazon    Paperback: Amazon

Stop by Jordan's Amazon page to check out his other titles! Amazon
Voices of Hope
Broken wings:

Saturday, November 18, 2017

You are Invited!

Available Now!
By Invitation -Your Place at the Feast
I spent many nights meditating, praying over our new book, By
Invitation. God has influenced my writings throughout this book. My heart has been full and transparent with my sister and fellow writer, Jewel Adams, and our hearts and minds have been so in sync. We have been awed and filled with praise as we've witnessed our Savior bringing our talents together for God's glory.

Many people spend all their time waiting for that second chance,
for a break that would make life okay.
There's always some reason to feel not good enough,
and it's hard at the end of the day.
For many need some distraction or a beautiful release . . .
Sarah McLaughlan, Angel lyrics (Embellished)

I prayed that those who read our book will find some peace tonight.  My spirit has become so tired of the unkindness in this world, and while writing this book, I found there are vultures and thieves at my back.  Some, unfortunately, are loved ones and family reacting harshly rather than responding with open minds and hearts to the truth of the words written by divine guidance within the few pages this book.  For some, it is easier to believe in the madness and sadness of this hurting world that brings many souls to their knees.

Individuals who have nourished and strengthened me over the past thirty years, and continue to walk the walk and not just talk the talk, have given me opportunities to participate in enriching projects.  I've internalized uplifting conversations and experiences that

celebrate the power of the human heart, and I have been privy to the hopes and dreams of others.  I can never thank the Lord enough for those learning and life-changing experiences.
This is what you will find in this book written by Jewel Adams and myself.  These are our personal thoughts about true, sacred intimacy with the Savior and walking hand-in-hand with Him. It's amazing to see what the Savior has done - and continues to do - when we trust in His love.  His love transformed us, and it can transform you too.  We pray that you will enjoy reading our book and hope it will inspire you to give your life to Christ today.

When you order this short but very important work, you can do this knowing that Jordan's percentage of the proceeds will go directly to The Road Home, a non-profit organization in Utah that serves homeless children and their families.

So many souls are lost in this mass of confusion.  Darkness is covering the earth and many souls are being led by the neck with the flaxen cords of Satan-some willingly, and some too weak to fight the battle anymore.  Jewel and I hold to the hope that you will find your spiritual lamps being lit while reading our book this holiday season.
This, my friends, is the purpose of the hours and days we both spent waiting for the Lord's inspiration and guidance, praying for the help of the spirit in knowing what to share.
May our humble thoughts help to lead your heart to the Lord.

A Note from Jewel:

I feel utterly blessed to have been able to share in this project with
Jordan. God truly blessed him with a heart of gold, and though many disagree with Jordan's choice to focus on helping the homeless, the Lord has strengthened him during his times of trial and this amazing man is holding fast to the Lord's plan for him, putting the Savior's will at the forefront and not caving to the will of man. After all, man is nothing without the Lord, and in the end, Jordan's adversaries will be judged by THE JUDGE and dealt with accordingly.
Like me, Jordan's allegiance lies firmly with God, and God will surely bless him for it.
Jordan  spent his Thanksgiving Day serving meals to homeless families, and he will be spending Christmas and New Year's serving as well. I am not at all surprised because that is the kind of man he is:-)
Again, 100% of Jordan's portion of the proceeds from By Invitation will be donated to help the homeless.

To learn more about The Road Home, visit their website.
The Road Home

Order By Invitation by Jewel Adams and Jordan Jantz on Amazon.
Kindle: Amazon    Paperback: Amazon

Stop by Jordan's Amazon page to check out his other titles! Amazon
Voices of Hope
Broken wings:

Friday, October 27, 2017

By Invitation Excerpt

Jordan and I are so excited about the release of our upcoming booklet, By Invitation - Your Place at the Feast. This project has definitely been a labor of love and we pray that all who
read it will be touched by it. It will be released on Tuesday, November 21st. Until then, here is an excerpt:

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” ~C.S. Lewis

One of my favorite quotes is from the movie The Count of Monte Cristo. In the movie, the Count is attending the birthday dinner of Mercedes' son, Albert Mondego. He gives the birthday toast and during that toast, he says something that has always stuck with me. When talking about the storms of life, he repeats something Albert said weeks earlier when he was accosted in an alleyway, and adds some extra words of wisdom to it. He said,
"When those storms come, say to them, 'Do your worst, for I will do mine.'"

Every single one of us has times in our life when storms rage and we wonder if one of these times we will be washed away with the tide. Yet somehow, we stand strong. We are somehow gifted with the strength to withstand the raging waters and go on. We will be told at different times in our lives that God will not give us more than we can handle. He lets it rain and He lets the winds blow, because He knows it is for our good. He knows exactly what lessons we need when we need them. And He is merciful in His comfort.

So, when we face those storms in life, let's quote the Count of Monte Cristo and say "Come on! Do your worst, for I will do mine!" Then we will lean on the strength of the Lord and learn and grow from the experiences.
And instead of asking, “Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to them? What have I done to deserve this?”ask instead, “Why not me? What am I going to do with this? What am I supposed to learn from this experience?”

Sometimes the phrase, "walking through the fire" also perfectly describes the tests and trials of life. Because it is supposed to be a purification process, and if we allow them to, the times of joy, affliction, happiness, sadness, and every other wave of life’s emotional rollercoaster will strengthen and mold us into the sons and daughters of God we should be, preparing us bit by painstaking bit to receive the greater blessings the Father has instore for us.

We are currently in the final days of this part of our existence, Satan is running rampant creating fires, both physically and emotionally, and we are definitely being tried like we have never been tried before. For this reason, we must remember that no matter what trials assail us, no matter how violent the storm rages or how hot the fires burn, if we keep our eyes fixed on the lighthouse that is the Lord, He will never let us be lost in the sea of despair, and when the smoke clears, we will find Him standing front and center, having never left us.

Another of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes demonstrates perfectly the work God is doing in this refining process:
“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of - throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”

There have been so many times when I’ve felt like my life is a construction zone and walls are getting knocked down and rearranged. From dealing with day to day struggles as we raised our children, to watching them struggle to raise their own families now in this changing world, to dealing with my current health struggles, to combatting the spiritual warfare that grows more prevalent by the hour. The construction is ongoing. Every time a trial hits and I'm working my way through it, I imagine myself not just being remodeled, but overhauled, because I know there is so much work left to be done in me. And God is definitely not finished building!
When opposition comes, no matter how hard it is, we should welcome it, because God is helping to prepare us, making each of us into a place in which His holy spirit can dwell. The rebuilding pains will hurt, but in the end, they will be worth it.

Jordan’s Thoughts:
“Many times, I have felt like Job in the Bible. And without the Holy Spirit in my life, I would not have been able to bounce back like he did. Everything and everyone was removed from his life, but the Savior celebrated Job's life. And just as He did with Job, the Lord gives back ten-fold to all who wait on Him. He renews my strength every day, and I have felt my faith continually increase.
Like Moses, I am not mighty in speaking, but God opens my mouth and helps me speak His word when He needs me to speak it. He takes me in His hands and turns my weaknesses into strengths. He has a plan for me and has been rebuilding me piece by piece. When I get to a point where a trial is so hard that I feel like I am totally alone and that I am about to fall apart, the Lord sends me comfort. He also puts people in my life to help me. Those special people know who they are and the Lord knows their names. I am more grateful for them than I can say.

No matter what happens, no matter what trial I face, the Lord is there to comfort and carry me through. He has taken me by the hand and guided me through indescribable drama, and I will never let go of His hand. I’m holding onto it for life. Jesus is the Master Teacher, and I will always be a willing student.”

Friday, September 1, 2017

Consecrated Project

I am very excited to let you know about a new project Jordan and I have in the works. It is a small book entitled By Invitation - Your Place At the Feast.

The reason I am so excited about this book is because it will be fully centered on the Savior, His atonement, and how our lives have been affected by it. In this short work, we will share our own personal thoughts about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, and some spiritual experiences that have brought great changes to our lives and helped up to grow, not only as children of God, but as a true brother and sister in the gospel.

In this book, our pasts will be left behind. We will not be wallowing in - or focusing on - who we once were, so don't open the pages expecting to find fodder for the world's agenda. It will not be there. Mention of the miraculous changes the Lord made in our lives is as far as it will go, period. The only agenda you will find is one solely focused on Christ. God is completely in charge of this, so He gets the final say in the finished work.
At a time in the world when hearts are so troubled and souls are so lost, more than ever, we need to be putting our houses in order and preparing ourselves for the coming of the bridegroom, making sure we are ready and prepared to have a place at the bridegroom's feast. We need to be spiritually preparing ourselves so that if the Lord were to come tomorrow, we would have sufficient oil in our lamps that our light would burn bright, that we would be ready and willing to answer His call. We need to hold on to hope and keep our spiritual lamps lit in this darkening world.
And that, my friends, is the purpose of this book.
We will keep you posted on the release date details.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Righteous Conditional Love

I find it amazing that a brother and sister in Christ can live hundreds of miles apart yet still find themselves sharing moments when they are of one mind. This has been happening frequently between Jordan and I. We have some great gospel moments, and Jordon often expresses feelings that are hard to put into words. Fortunately, God has blessed me with the ability and the privilege to be Jordan's cyber mouthpiece, and this is one of those times when our thoughts are in harmony.
In addition to Jordan's blog, I have my own personal Christ-centered blog that I post on every Sunday, where I share my thought on the Savior and Heavenly Father's plan for us. I also strive to urge us all to get our houses in order and prepare ourselves spiritually for the Savior's return.

After talking with Jordan again this week, I feel prompted to share my most recent post from that blog here.

Righteous Conditional Love

"There are many ways to describe and speak of divine love. One of the terms we hear often today is that God’s love is “unconditional.” While in one sense that is true, the descriptor unconditional appears nowhere in scripture. Rather, His love is described in scripture as “great and wonderful love," "perfect love," "redeeming love," and “everlasting love.” These are better terms because the word unconditional can convey mistaken impressions about divine love, such as, God tolerates and excuses anything we do because His love is unconditional, or God makes no demands upon us because His love is unconditional, or all are saved in the heavenly kingdom of God because His love is unconditional. God will always love us, but He cannot save us in our sins." ~D. Todd Christofferson

Once again, I feel the need to stress the importance of who we are and WHOSE we are. We are sons and daughters of a King - a King who loves us so much, He sent His only begotten Son, the Prince of Peace, to atone for our sins, to pay the price we cannot pay.

Yes, our Heavenly Father loves His royal sons and daughters beyond belief . . . however, His love is not unconditional. And if you believe that, you are sorely mistaken.

God cannot love us unconditionally. That is not possible.
It isn't possible because, as we are taught in the scriptures, “For I the Lord cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance; Nevertheless, he that repents and does the commandments of the Lord shall be forgiven; ~D&C 1:31-32

What this means is when we are striving to live good lives and be good people yet still give in to weaknesses, if the Lord can't overlook that, what in the world makes us think we can willfully sin and disobey and have Him accept it? We CANNOT be saved in sin. It is impossible. And I say this as much for myself as everyone else. We can argue this subject until we are blue in the face (and believe me, many do, even at this very moment,) it will not change the truth, because God's laws will not change. They CAN'T change. This is why I spend so much time emphasizing the importance of spiritual preparedness. We must come out of the world, my brothers and sisters. WE MUST!

Satan is wreaking havoc left and right, and deception abounds. We must not let ourselves be deceived. We must immerse our minds, hearts, and souls in a great quest to know the Lord and become one with Him. Truly knowing the Lord and allowing Him to know us is the only way to avoid deception.

Every day, my heart just weeps, because the number of souls rejecting the truth is ever-increasing. If you don't believe me, just spend a few minutes on Facebook (a few is all it will take.) As I've said before, the war that began in heaven continues on today. It never stopped, and we, who were once some of the righteous hosts of heaven, continue to perpetuate it, only our weapon of choice is words, just as it was in the preexistence. The question is, what spirit do we listeth to obey when we do speak?

"The premortal war was fought with words, ideas, debate, and persuasion. (Revelation 12:7–9, 11) ~Larry R. Lawrence

The Lord truly does love us. It was His love and His obedience to the Father that prompted His atonement and sacrifice for us. But His love IS conditional, and when we willfully sin and refuse His precious gift of repentance, we turn our back on the Lord, and He, in turn, cannot know us.
I pray that we can remember this. 

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Endless Summer 2017

What a summer this year has been. For some, it has been a time of enjoying family and friends, and connecting with loved ones who have come back to celebrate life with everyone from past years.  Love is the true basis of my summer and truth is the basis of all love.  Without truth and love, no peace is able to be present.  Truth and love are the main ingredients of my therapeutic summer. Love is all around you and I, if we will only look past all the little issues that really don’t matter.
Sending spiritual blessings to my loved ones around the United States. I send it with a wish of healing and restoration.  Your life matters to me.  Thank you, Jewel and Denny for reaching out when I've not able to manage the circus that has blindsided Broken Wings Ministries.
The release of "We're Gonna Make It After All" as well as my children's book signings have been canceled this summer and fall.  Everything has been rescheduled for winter and invites to these events will be sent out.
May all of my North Star family and my spiritual family remember that we will always share a Christlike love through our love for Jesus that nobody can remove from us.  For me, this year has been a year like Job in the Bible. And without the Holy Spirit's in my life, I would not
be able to bounce back like Job.  Everything and everyone was removed from his life, but the Savior celebrated Job's life. He does not tolerate unkindness and gives back ten-fold to all of us who wait on Him. He has definitely renewed my strength.
I am grateful and thankful for all your prayers this summer.  Your heart-felt words are healing my soul.

The choice is yours and it's simple; social media has changed the way we see one another's life, and it enhances the way we communicate with each other in the world. Everybody gets a stage to proclaim their words and works. For me, this is not what I am doing, this is who I am. What I try to do for children with Broken Wings Ministry is to help stop what I experienced. You all have some of my books. You know the truth and reality. Don't squander the gifts that God gave you to share with others.
I marvel at the instant connection on social media. All these platforms can help us take God's message to so many people, if we would just look past our own needs. My church is about helping others, and the gospel continuously opens my soul, not just on Sundays and at church events.
I love to hear from others; they share moments that make me smile. If you ask me, the picture is worth a thousand words. When the haters show up, I shut down.

I've learned not to respond to negativity. Responding only gives it more voice and power. For me, social media is about spreading good vibrations. I have learned so much lately, about myself and what God expects of me, and I never want to let Him down. Ever.
May you always be inspired to choose the right, because it's the right thing to do. Keep the faith and be kind to one another, and walk in love and be who you are in Christ. You're worth more than you know. Today, tomorrow and into the eternity, I will walk with my hand yours until we meet again. Enjoy your life and share the joy of the Lord that's inside you, and do something great for someone else. Make their life, and make their day! Help them become what they were created for. Give kindness to them. Feed the sheep and they will come. I love you, brothers and sisters. Remember, you are a child of God, and I thank you for being yourself – the self that God made you to be.
"I will fear not for the Lord thy God is with me.  I will walk by faith."

I love you,
Jordan Jantz
1430 SW 12th Avenue, Apt. 1709
Portland, OR 97201
All emails are confidential

Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Time is Now!

We have been told over and over again in the scriptures to not procrastinate the day of our repentance. The scriptures also tell us that all secret acts will be brought to light. We cannot hide
anything from the Lord. Now, more than ever, is the time to get our houses in order and come unto Christ. His arms are always open and waiting and willing to embrace us if we would but go to Him. We are in the eleventh hour, the fifth-ninth minute, and the fifty-ninth second. The time for standing mid ground has long passed, and this part of our existence is fast coming to a close. The war that began in heaven still rages on today. It is time to choose your master.
Will it be Satan, or the Lord?
Jordan made his choice long ago, and though the adversary continues to plague him with all manner of trials, he is standing strong in the fight, and angels march along side him, bearing him up. Let us all join him in this fight to the finish.
May we all shake off the awful chains that bind us and walk into the marvelous light of the Lord. 

  About Out of the Closet Into the Light

After living a life of abuse, abandonment and homosexuality, Jordan Jantz made the ultimate choice. Leaving his old life behind, Jordan came to know and understand God's love for him, as well as discover his own part in the eternal plan.
But this book isn't just about his Christian conversion and lifestyle change, it is also about all the things he suffered that helped to bring him to this point. It's about everything he was, everything he is, and everything he is on his way to becoming.
Simply put, this is the story of his journey from the painful, cold darkness into the light.
A portion of the proceeds from Out of the Closet Into the Light will be donated to The Christmas Box International to support abused and neglected children.

To view Jordan's Voices of Hope Video, visit Voices of Hope at To connect with Jordan in other ways,

Author & philantrophist.
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