Tuesday, March 8, 2022

My Brother, Jordan


“My mind is made up, my heart is fixed, and I am going with Jesus all the way.” ~ Jordan

I just finished reading the book of Job in the Old Testament, and each time I read this wonderful man's story, I think of Jordan. I've said this before, but Jordan truly is a modern-day Job, because of the persecution he faces daily, heaped upon him by Satan through the words and deeds of others. No matter how badly he is treated, no matter how much he is neglected by the very people who should be ministering to him in heart, body, and spirit, Jordan stays true and faithful to Jesus Christ. His Savior and Redeemer is the most important person in his life, and no matter how much adversity is heaped upon Jordan, he turns neither right nor left. He stays fixed on the Lord.
Jordan expressed to me how hard it is to have no ecclesiastical support and how no one seems to understand just how badly he suffering, physically and emotionally, with the exception of his doctors and his caregiver. Again, I reminded Jordan that nothing man does is ever hidden from the Lord, and there will be an accounting of the neglect of His children, as well as the evil deeds done. There will also be an accounting of the hearts that are faithful to the Lord.
I also reminded Jordan that the "Jesus" people have created today is not the Jesus I know and love. The Lord has told us that He cannot accept sin in the least degree. So, for those who tout and preach over the pulpits a Jesus who loves unconditionally, regardless of our choices, their day of truth will come. For those who support, accept, and embrace sin, their day of truth will come.
This is a time of getting our houses in order, and that time is coming to an end sooner than we think. This is something Jordan has been doing his best to accomplish from the moment he gave his life over to Christ. For so long, he was a pawn in a chess game of those who have an agenda, and now that the Lord has taken the control out of evil hands, Jordan is being left alone without support at a time when he needs it most.
Yes, Jordan is a modern-day Job, and he is just as faithful. Just as the Lord sees into Jordan's heart and knows him, He knows the rest of us.
These are the days that hidden things are being brought to light, including the things hidden in our hearts. Jordan's heart is an open book, and just the Lord healed him from the trauma of his childhood, His holy angels now walk with him, comforting him and taking account of all things.
I love Jordan. He has truly been a blessing in my life and the lives of my family. His worth in my eyes, and in the eyes of God, is greater than he knows. His life is priceless, and his obedience to the Lord is known and recorded in heaven.
