Friday, January 3, 2020

A Modern-day Job

The title of this blog is one that describes Jordan perfectly. I have never seen someone go through as many trials and deal with as much adversity as Jordan has (and is) going through and dealing with, yet still hold fast to faith in the Lord. Since Jordan's initial life change years ago, he has wanted nothing more than to serve God and be a truly holy man. This has been his heart's desire. Yet Satan attacks him at every turn, specifically through the words and actions of other people, whether it be acquaintances, or fellow church members. Sadly, Jordan doesn't have many people he can count on, and because of this, he trusts very few people.

For the past couple of years, Jordan has faced trials that would probably make the strongest person cower, but face them he has, and he continues to grow stronger with each one. Even now, when he is dealing with debilitating ailments and suffering bouts of depression, apart from the Lord, he has virtually no support, and a bulk of that support SHOULD be coming from those of us who are his fellow church members.

I remind Jordan constantly that though this is the true gospel of Christ and this is His church we belong to, we must understand that members are imperfect beings. He knows this; I think he knows it even better now, but that knowledge does not ease the pain of abandonment that has become his constant companion. It makes me so sad to see Jordan so down on himself and feeling ashamed because he can't function in life right now the way he is so used to.

Still, through it all, Jordan continues to do what he can to help others. He even spent a day this past week continuing his baking of potatoes and taking them out in a wagon and giving them to the many homeless that surround the area in which he lives. Because of his selflessness, he had a wonderful, touching experience with one of these lost souls, an experience that will stay with him forever. 
An old man he shared a potato with was touched beyond words when Jordan asked if he could sit with the man in his tent and visit. The man wondered why Jordan would want to sit in his dirty tent with him, and he basically said that no one like Jordan would ever want to visit with someone like him. When he asked Jordan why, Jordan simply said, "Because I have been where you are, and I know how it feels to have no one care for you," (meaning, he knew the feeling back then and he still knows it now to some degree.)
The man was in tears because no one had ever been so kind to him or treated him so graciously. They sat and talked and the man shared much about himself with Jordan. He even cried because of the kindness being shown to him. Jordan cried as well, and so did I when he shared the experience with me.
I reminded Jordan that he never knows when he is entertaining angels and that man may well have been one, and to also remember that the spirit of the Lord is with His people. When we have done goodness to the least of the Lord's brethren, we have done it unto the Lord.

Despite all that he is dealing with, Jordan continues to serve, and through that act, as well as many others, he has set the perfect example of what it really means to minister to our fellow man. I also told Jordan that the Lord knows his heart and will be infinitely merciful to him because of the man he is. The Lord knows every heart, every intention, and every action we take in this life. Nothing is ever hidden from Him, and those things that have been perpetrated on Jordan, and many others who have been broken by people who let Satan rule their hearts and use them as tools in an attempt to thwart His work will be seen. Everything that is done in the darkness will one day be brought to light. When that happens, there will be no escaping the consequences.

I love Jordan very much, and so does my family, and he is part of our family. We will never forsake him. God will never forsake him, and the Savior will never forsake him.
I beg you all to please keep Jordan in your prayers, and if you can serve him in any way, please do so, without judgements, and with no motive except to love him as the Savior loves him.
After all, we have far less time to prepare for the Lord's return than we think, and I don't know about you, but I would much rather He found me serving when He comes than focusing on things that don't matter when it comes to my eternal salvation.

About Freed from the Closet

This book is a compilation of selective blog posts from Jordan Jantz’s blog entitled, Out of the Closet Into the Light, named after his first book, which is an autobiography of his life.

Through these posts, as well as his books, you will truly come to know the man, not only glimpsing the man he once was, but clearly see the man he is now–the man he was born to be–and the man God is continually growing him into.
Available in ebook format at Amazon

To check out Jordan's other books, swing by his Amazon page.

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